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Public Records Center

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Welcome to the City of Dallas' Open Records Requests management and tracking system!

The service will increase citizen access to public information while allowing the City the ability to meet and exceed all state Open Records compliance rules. With the Open Records Center, individuals go to one central location on the City’s website to submit an Open Records request. Requesters have the ability to log into the Open Records Center to track the status of requests, communicate with the City, and pick up the requested documents. Requesters will also be able to search for answers to common Open Records questions in the knowledge base library. 

The City of Dallas' goal with respect to open records requests is to provide high-quality customer service to residents, business owners, and stakeholders in accordance with state and federal open government/public information laws and practices. Section 552.234 of the Texas Public Information Act provides that a person may make a written request for information by delivering the request by U.S. mail, electronic mail, hand delivery, or any appropriate method approved by the governmental body to the public information officer or the officer’s designee. Here, the City has designated the City Secretary as the officer for public information. Accordingly, please submit all open records requests as follows:

  • Electronically by using the City of Dallas Public Information Request Portal:

  • Email: to

  • Hand Delivery: Open Records Center c/o City Secretary’s Office, City Hall, 5th floor, Suite 5DS

  • Mail: To Open Records/Dallas Police Open Records Unit, 1400 Botham Jean Blvd, 1st Floor, Dallas, Texas 75215

  • Requests sent via fax or any other method not prescribed above will not be accepted.

Texas Public Information Act - Information Request Form
(If the information requested is unclear or if a large amount of information is requested you may use this form to clarify or narrow your request.)